
Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Textexture (website of true brilliance)

My mind was stimulated by the  exciting prospects, around the work of text visualisation.  The written text can be described, as a significant pattern. Here we look at the exciting prospects around the work of creative linking expanding its applications.  A written word expresses itself in colourful networks. ord is expressed as

Your first  page one is show a visual summary. If you go to the site's library menu: you find that it a number of preset texts, that can be displayed as a colourful Network, analysed.

I chose p**** riots, the proceedings from the last court statement, to be displayed. One felt somewhat tempted to choose the book of Genesis, or War and Peace by the great Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy. I suppose there is a natural inclination to want present to ourselves an expression of the most extraordinary, the spiritual works.  in such a display of colour. The same pattern occurs when one looks at the Great architectural structures:  mosques, churches; such structures speak to us. In the same way, we approach the organisational patterns, forms, technological in the broadest sense of the word.

The whole structure of fathoming the significance of colours and nodes clusters (keywords), components in a unique Network reflecting a complexity intrinsic to a  piece of writing. The modelling tool see an aspect that would never have been seen before

If you click on one of the nodes for example Orthodox then the text will load with an appropriate appropriate point highlighting the words. I think something like this could be amazingly useful to so show social relations and organisational structure. In such a situation V relationship between the various nodes can be re-established and redesigned.

This sort of way the inherent possibility in some sort of pattern can be compared to the existing pattern. In this sense the network or combination of nodes becomes a tool to direct and guide one towards some ideal or preferred combination. This particular project should not be seen aesthetically only in terms of its artistic qualities that in its engineering perspective or from the engineering perspective.

Very often you find virtual reality can be expressed as different nodes placed on an individual. The movement of an individual is therefore reflected in a virtual computerized sense simulated on the basis of actual Human Movement. In this sort of way the virtual expresses and reflects the actual.

You will notice at the bottom if you scroll down there is a button which you can improve the layout and I've clicked on that button and you'll see that it doesn't seem to have done much. A list of the most influential keywords is also shown and then also a list of the most influential context in the text if you look at the text on p**** Riot we have hash 0 people word country call nothing gives a link.