
Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Bryneven presents Communicating: groups in email (Purple Mash)

Latest Video Posting: Teachers can reach the learner groupings by establishing groups that suite the particular need e.g., remedial, extension, teams for sports and so forth.

This lesson is targetting staff to develop an interest in engaging and effectively using the communication possibilities within Purple Mash. April 30th, the Day before May 1st: Gauteng Education teacher at Bryneven, Mr Bradley (Mr B) explores the groups that enable effective communiction -via the emailing section of Purple Mash.

The objective of this video is to pursue the education of twenty-first century, with pushing for a more comprehensive use of this digital system. The content adds into the resources and experiences -possibilities made by using Purple Mash's teaching and learning resources.

We appreciate your input into all of this.

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