
Thursday, 31 October 2019

Exploration with 10 year olds: Animation and with Purple Mash

Bryneven Primary School's Mr. Bradley, gives another lesson.  This study explores the basic technique of tracing for animation; our creativity is fueled by using the animation tool in 2Simple's Purple Mash. The tool of the 25th October is 2Animate -it the base, in essence, a feature that requires further interaction with the idea and the practice of translating the image into perceived movement.

Cute baby monkey provides the basis for our further work. We import all the images into the footage or animation project. Then we trace the outlines of our cute monkey and fill the gaps with colour using the paint bucket tool.

2Simple many educational functions - their Purple Mash site; nourishes our educational dynamics , at Bryneven Primary -within this design emphasizes education of the 21st century.

This lesson promotes the idea that the tools, equipment and practices feed the project -though its an introduction; it is necessary to look at the scope and use of the tool. More fully - we express creativity - first -that might have not been initially we would not be have seen, based on the limits of our means.

Mr Bradley teaches for the Gauteng Department of Education. Mr Bradley teaches at Bryneven Primary School. This is a public school in Bryanston, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Bryneven introduced coding dynamics - Use Purple Mash - 2017.