Exploring new developments around and the application of digital tools and systems dynamics. Contributions on new ideas and any form of creative thinking that stimulate a sense of new possibilities. We look into the 21st Century Dynamic -its offerings in terms of creative exploration.
Sunday, 27 October 2019
Facebook’s new AI tweaks video so you can’t be identified by face recognition tech
Facial recognition systems are all the rage among government agencies around the world, as they seek to automate services and keep tabs on their citizens. If there’s a picture of you somewhere, you could potentially be identified in photos and videos from public camera feeds. Now, Facebook has devised a way to thwart this technology. Its face de-identification tech, developed by three AI researchers who work with the company, modifies your face slightly in video content, so that facial recognition systems can’t match what they see in the footage with images of you in their databases. You can see this…
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