
Thursday, 28 November 2019

CHEAP: Save $25 on the AirPods by not buying them from the Apple Store

Welcome to CHEAP, our series about things that are good, but most of all, cheap. CHEAP! You’re on You’re merely browsing, and you suddenly lay your eyes on the AirPods. “God, I really shouldn’t be blowing $159 on a pair of earbuds,” you think to yourself. But you’re too weak, the AirPods are already in your shopping cart. Now you’re entering your credit card details. STOP! Right now! Don’t do it. There’s a better deal — and you can save $25 bucks. Yep, you can cop a pair of the AirPods (with charging case) for just $134 from Amazon. Yep,…

This story continues at The Next Web

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