Exploring new developments around and the application of digital tools and systems dynamics. Contributions on new ideas and any form of creative thinking that stimulate a sense of new possibilities. We look into the 21st Century Dynamic -its offerings in terms of creative exploration.
Friday, 27 December 2019
Streaming 2019: Netflix and Disney vs the world (and we’re not complaining)
Streaming in 2019 is massively different to what it was a few years ago. This year alone, multiple new services have either launched or been revealed, disrupting what was, until recently, a one-horse race. So do we, the viewers, win or lose in this big race for our attention? Netflix and shill There was a time when Netflix was the only game in town. It started a revolution in the digital film distribution, and once upon a time you could find just about anything you wanted on it (particularly when its DVD business was more of a cornerstone than it…
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