Exploring new developments around and the application of digital tools and systems dynamics. Contributions on new ideas and any form of creative thinking that stimulate a sense of new possibilities. We look into the 21st Century Dynamic -its offerings in terms of creative exploration.
Wednesday, 25 December 2019
Why your cat is lousy at chess yet way smarter than even the most advanced AI
If you share your home with a dog or a cat, look at it carefully and you will get a good overview of everything we don’t know how to do in artificial intelligence. “But my cat does nothing all day except sleep, eat and wash herself,” you may think. And yet your cat knows how to walk, run, jump (and land on her feet), hear, see, watch, learn, play, hide, be happy, be sad, be afraid, dream, hunt, eat, fight, flee, reproduce, educate her kittens – and the list is still very long. Each of these actions requires processes that…
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