Exploring new developments around and the application of digital tools and systems dynamics. Contributions on new ideas and any form of creative thinking that stimulate a sense of new possibilities. We look into the 21st Century Dynamic -its offerings in terms of creative exploration.
Monday, 27 January 2020
The single glass sheet iMac patent gives me hope Apple will focus on design again
Apple has a reputation for exciting design — but I’m not sure how warranted that really is these days. Let me put it this way: When was the last time the company put out a product that looked like nothing else out there? You know, something as iconic and fresh as the iPod, as futuristic as the iMac G3, or as plain gorgeous as the iPhone 4? No, aside from a few vaguely interesting products (like the new cheese-grater Mac Pro) the majority of Apple’s new products have taken quite a safe, expected approach to design. But, a new patent the company…
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