
Friday 6 March 2020

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: Tracking down fake Airbnb owner

Ask HN: Tracking down fake Airbnb owner
3 by asdojasdosadsa | 3 comments on Hacker News.
Case: Not so technical colleague got scammed for 2 months rent. What can he do? Steps: 1. He found apartment listing on 2. Some emails were exchanged 3. He receives the link to the _real_ airbnb listing 4. He cant find it there, and the scammer sends the phishing page[1] (from 5. Soon after he receives another email saying that the database is down from and he should meanwhile move the money using 6. Payment done 7. Scammer replies: Payment received The login page was quite well made, and I think most of non technical people might get fooled [1] The URL: Thoughts?